Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

Posted by May 17, 2017

First Bunker Supply by Barge at Paradip

Manan Goel (Photo: Gulf Petrochem)

Gulf Petrochem Group, the UAE based global bunker supplier, has set another milestone in its operations with the first-ever bunker supply by barge at the non-conventional port of Paradip in Odisa, India’s east coast in a joint effort with Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL). 

Gulf Petrochem arranged for the supply of 810 metric tons of bunker fuel IFO 180 CST by barge. Typically, supplies were made to the non-regular bunker port of Paradip only by Road Tanker Wagons (RTW) and for small volumes. MT Dolphin, a bunker barge, was introduced to expedite the supply of the 810 MT cargo to the vessel MV Countess I. 
Physical supplier IOCL had recently introduced the duty-free 180 CST for vessels calling at Paradip. But the supplies were made through RTWs at berth. With the introduction of MT Dolphin, bigger future volumes of bunker fuel requirement at the port can be seamlessly met. 
Manan Goel, Group Director of Gulf Petrochem, said, “The supply of bunker fuel by barge to Paradip will significantly scale up the efficiency of the port, and underlines our commitment to strengthen our operations and deliver truly value-added services. In future, larger volumes of bunker fuel can be supplied that will facilitate bigger vessel arrivals to Paradip, with it evolving as a strategic port on the east coast of India. We were venturing into uncharted waters, and are thankful to the support of all our partners for their close coordination that made the planning and execution smooth.”
With Gulf Petrochem supplying to MV Countess I, future bunker supplies at berth or inner anchorage can be executed by barge. MT Dolphin is a IV class barge of 500 MT capacity of Fuel Oil and 50 MT of Gas Oil, with a pumping rate of 150 MT-200 MT per hour for FO and 25 MT for Gas Oil. Gulf Petrochem will also arrange for the supply of smaller quantities by RTWs at berth of up to 250MT supplies in a single day.