Monday, March 3, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

August 10, 2012

Air-independent Underwater System Demonstration

ONR selects Hamilton Sundstrand for demonstration of energy-dense PEMFC based air-independent propulsion system.

UTC Aerospace Systems' legacy Hamilton Sundstrand business was recently awarded a contract by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) to demonstrate an energy-dense air independent power system for an undersea vehicle as part of ONR's Long-Endurance Undersea Vehicle Propulsion (LEUVP) Program. UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp.

This Program will develop an energy storage system that will allow an undersea vehicle to carry out a longer mission with additional capabilities.

UTC Aerospace Systems, together with UTC Power and Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., will demonstrate a fully integrated solution that includes a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) and cryogenically stored fuel and oxidant. The PEMFC-based system would replace existing battery systems, providing greater energy and operational options to the U.S. Navy.

"We are currently in production with the PEMFC providing a Fuel Cell Power Module for the Spanish Navy's S-80 Submarine and feel that we are well placed with our partners to deliver a proven option to ONR and the US Navy on this program," said G. Allen Flynt, general manager, Space Systems, UTC Aerospace Systems.


energyU.S. Officefuel cell