Saturday, February 22, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

January 9, 2013

Somali Pirates Use RPG to Attack Ship: 12 Arrested

French Warship Apprehends Pirates: Photo credit EU NAVFOR

EU Naval Force French Frigate 'Surcouf' and NATO Warship 'USS Halyburton' work together to apprehend twelve pirate suspects.

A merchant vessel sailing 260 miles off the Somali Coast, made a distress call, reporting that she was coming under attack by six men in a fast moving boat, armed with rocket propelled grenades (RPG).  Thankfully, having employed avoidance tactics, the merchant vessel was able to escape the attack.

Upon hearing the distress call, NATO warship USS Halyburton, operating as part of NATO’s counter piracy operation – Ocean Shield, and on patrol 80 nautical miles away, launched her helicopter and was able to quickly locate a suspect boat – which was by now towing another vessel, with several men on board.

EU Naval Force (EU Navfor) French Frigate Surcouf, operating as part of the EU’s counter piracy mission – Operation Atalanta, made best speed to the area, as a German EU Navfor Maritime Patrol Aircraft kept watch overhead.  Upon arrival, and in full cooperation with the NATO warship, the boarding team from  Surcouf boarded the two suspect vessels and apprehended twelve men in total.  All twelve men are currently being held on board for evidence collection in order to fully assess the possibility of legal prosecution.

In a recent press conference held on board Surcouf during her port visit to Port Victoria, Seychelles, the Commanding Officer, Commander Hugues Lainé stressed the importance of not lowering the guard towards piracy, as the threat remains, despite the drop in pirate attacks during the past year.


North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationEuropean UnionEU Naval Force