Friday, February 7, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

Posted by September 6, 2016

Bertram Joins Torqeedo's Executive Board

André Bertram (Photo: Torqeedo)

André Bertram is the new chief financial officer (CFO) and member of the management board at Torqeedo, a manufacturer of electric boat motors.

Bertram assumed responsibility for the finance department of the Bavarian company on September 1, 2016.
Bertram has extensive technology company management experience and most recently served as CFO of global software developer IBS AG. He previously worked as CFO and in controls, risk management, internal audit and mergers and acquisitions for Siemens Group companies. He studied in Bamberg, Rotterdam, Gent and Aix-en-Provence, is a graduate in Business Administration and holds a Master of European Law & Economics degree.
finance departmentinternal auditrisk management