Thursday, March 13, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

Engine Profile: Bergen B33:45

Posted to Propulsion (by on August 8, 2016

The Bergen B33:45 continues Rolls-Royce’s Bergen range of diesel and gas engines with a fuel-efficient product that offers increased power.

  • The Bergen B33:45 aboard Holmøy (Photo: Rolls-Royce)

  • High-tech Norwegian stern trawler Holmøy is the first vessel to run the Bergen B33:45 (Photo: Rolls-Royce)

  • the High-profile RSS Sir David Attenborough will be powered by the B33:45 (Image: Rolls-Royce)

  • Bergen B33:45 (Image: Rolls-Royce)

Rolls-Royce’s fuel efficient medium-speed engine Bergen B33:45, which has been designed to offer a 20 percent increase in power per cylinder compared to existing engines in the Bergen range, has seen approximately 40 units contracted since its launch at SMM 2014.

A continuation of Rolls-Royce’s Bergen range of diesel and gas engines, the Bergen B33:45 offers 600 kW per cylinder in a compact, modular and easy-to-install engine design.

For mechanical propulsion and electrical generation, the engine is economical with a specific fuel consumption of 177g/kWh at full load, and complies with IMO Tier III rules when fitted with a Selective Catalytic Reactor.

The Bergen B33:45 has a bore of 330 mm and a stroke of 450 mm, and runs at 450-750 rpm as a marine propulsion engine on propeller law or 720/750 rpm for 60/50 Hz generator set drive. In-line engines are the first to be produced, with 6, 7, 8 and 9 cylinders spanning a power range from 3,600-5,400 kW. Vee engines and gas engines sharing many of the design features will follow, Rolls-Royce said.

The first Bergen B33:45 entered service earlier this year aboard the high-tech Norwegian stern trawler Holmøy, which also features a Promas integrated rudder and propeller system, a hybrid propulsion system and a full ship design from Rolls-Royce.

Additional orders for the Bergen B33:45 have been received for a number of other fishing vessels, as well as specialist vessels such as the U.K.’s new £200 million state-of-the-art polar research vessel RSS Sir David Attenborough, a seabed mining vessel and two unique cargo transfer vessels intended to transfer fluid between an offshore production facility and a tanker. 

Technical Data
Engine TypeB33:45L6PB33:45L7PB33:45L8PB33:45L9P
Number of Cylinders 6789
Engine Speed RPM750750750750
Mean Piston Speed MPS11.2511.2511.2511.25
Max Continuous Rating (MCR) kW*3,6004,2004,8005,400
Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) bar25252525
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFOC) g/kwh**175175175175
Specific Lubricating Oil Consumption g/kwh0.
Cooling Water Temp. Engine Outlet C90909090

* Engine ratings are according to ISO 3046/1. The above figures are based on conditions at maximum 45°C ambient air temperature and maximum 32°C sea water temperature.
** SFOC is based on MDO with a net calorific value of 42.7 MJ/kg and no engine driven pumps, at 85% engine load. At 100 percent engine load the SFOC will