Sunday, March 30, 2025
Maritime Propulsion

January 30, 2013

Unusually, Shipping Coalition Demands an ECA

A coalition of shipping companies wants the Pearl River Delta cleaned up and turned into a low emission zone.

The call, from the Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association (HKLSA) and the Hong Kong Shipowners’ Association (HKSA) in conjunction with 17 shipping companies came along with a renewed, one-year pledge from the shipping companies to burn only low-sulfur fuels while berthed in Hong Kong, reports the China Daily.

The coalition wants low sulfur emissions mandated by laws by January 2014. But in the meantime, the coalition is also recommending that authorities provide incentives, such as a 50 percent cut in port fees for vessels that come into voluntary compliance, prior to the January 2014 deadline.

The alliance wants to increase its reach, beyond Hong Kong however. It also wants to see the low sulfur initiative expanded to other major ports in the Pearl River Delta. “In the years ahead it will be necessary for the whole industry, globally to switch progressively to cleaner fuels,” HKLSA chairman Tim Smith said.

Hong Kong's Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing hailed the coalition for being the world’s first industry led initiative to cut back emissions by switching fuels that create less pollution.

Source: China Daily

Pearl River DeltaHong Kong Shipowners Associationthe China Daily